출판기념회는 오후 12시30분부터, 메인행사인 북콘서트는 2시부터 진행됐으며 2,000여 명의 지지자가 찾아와 조후보를 응원했다. 조 예비후보는 일일이 사인을 해주고 함께 기념사진을 찍는 등 화기애애하게 진행됐고 지지자들이 한꺼번에 몰릴 때는 체육관 밖으로 긴 줄이 생기기도 했다.
‘으랏차차’는 ‘조광한의 힘 셋’, ‘선거실패 국가실패’, ‘움직이는 국가 멈춰버린 국가’에 이은 조 예비후보의 네 번째 책이다. 독특한 책 제목에 대해 조 예비후보는 북콘서트 시간에 크게 두 가지 의미가 담겨 있다고 설명했다.
첫 번째는 본인의 장점인 통찰력, 친화력, 추진력 세 가지 힘을 최대치로 끌어 모아 으랏차차하며 남양주를 반드시 대한민국 일등도시로 만드는데 정치인생을 모두 바치겠다는 의지를 담았다는 것이다.
조 예비후보는 남양주시장으로 재직하던 시절 서울의 베드타운에 머물러있던 남양주시의 발전가능성을 간파해 수도권동북부거점도시라는 목표를 세우고 왕숙신도시 유치, GTX-B노선 유치, 지하철 9호선 8호선 연장을 확정하며 교통혁신을 이뤄냈다. 또 시민에게 집 가까운 곳에 즐길 거리를 많이 만들어 드리자는 공간혁신으로 정약용도서관, 청학밸리리조트, 이석영도서관, 이석영광장과 리멤버1910기념관, 이석영신흥상회, 그외 청소년을 위한 펀그라운드 4곳 등을 조성했다. 이러한 교통혁신과 공간혁신을 이뤘지만 아직 부족하다며 국회의원이 되면 경춘선과 분당선을 직결해 강남까지 갈아타지 않고 30분 만에 갈 수 있도록 하고, GTX-D,E,F 노선도 유치해 남양주를 반드시 대한민국 일등도시로 도약시킬 것이라고 역설했다.
두 번째는 조 예비후보가 억울하게 구속되었을 때 단절의 고독 속에서 사람의 향기를 전해준 지지자들의 서신, 즉 옥중서신을 책 속에 담아 본인에게 으랏차차하고 큰 힘을 주었던 분들에게 전하는 크고 깊은 감사의 의미를 담았다는 것이다.
조 예비후보는 2022년 2월 15일 지지자가 379명의 당원을 모집한 일에 직접도 아니고 간접 개입했다는 혐의로 증거인멸의 우려가 있다며 ‘현직’ 시장으로서 법정 구속됐다. 보석으로 4월 12일 석방될 때까지 57일간 교도소 생활을 했고 2023년 6월 1일 공직선거법은 무죄, 지방공무원법은 유죄가 확정 됐지만 2023년 8월 15일 사면 복권됐다.
그 과정에서 겪어야했던 수많은 상처와 고통, 분노와 좌절, 용기와 희망이라는 온갖 감정의 교차는 어떤 방법으로도 다 표현할 수 없다며 결코 유쾌할 수 없었던 교도소 생활 중에 많은 분들이 보내주신 서신은 큰 위로와 든든함을 주었고 그 중 몇 편을 책에 담았다고 밝혔다. 평생 잊어서는 안 되는 감사함을 죽는 날까지 가슴에 담고 살겠다며 머리를 숙였다.
서신을 보내주신 분 중 남양주시 별내동 록원교회 장창만 목사가 지병인 암으로 2023년 3월 7일 소천하신 안타까운 소식을 전해 행사장을 숙연하게 했다.
조 예비후보에 의하면 그의 억울한 구속은 이재명 민주당대표가 경기도지사로 재직하던 시절의 견해차로부터 시작된 것이다. 2019년 코로나로 인한 재난지원금을 이재명 경기도지사가 본인의 브랜드인 지역화폐로 지급하라고 했지만 조후보는 어려운 분들일수록 현금이 요긴하다고 판단하고 현금으로 지급했다.
그러자 경기도의 보복과 보복성 감사가 11차례 이어졌다. 경기도는 남양주도시공사 감사실장 채용에 비리가 있었다며 검찰에 고발해 수차례 압수수색을 당하고 기소되었지만 최종 무죄판결을 받았다. 그 과정에서 민주당 소속이던 조 예비후보는 기소되었다는 사실만으로 당직직무정지를 당했다.
보복성 감사에서는 비서실 직원이 코로나로 고생하는 직원들에게 나누어준 커피상품권 2만5천원권 10장 총25만원을 부정사용이라며 트집을 잡아 중징계 되었지만 추후 무효소송에서 무죄 판결을 받았다. 또 다른 직원들에게는 SNS에 이재명 도지사를 비방하는 댓글을 달았다며 누가 지시했냐, 잘리고 싶냐, 윗선을 대라는 둥 인권을 유린하는 협박을 일삼은 감사로 당시 조시장은 감사를 거부하는 피켓을 들고 1인 시위를 했다.
2022년 4월, 30여 년간 몸담았던 민주당을 탈당하고 9월 20일 국민의힘 인재영입 1호로 입당했다. ‘조광한은 해냈습니다. 조광한이 하겠습니다.’라는 캐치프레이즈로 12월 7일 총선출마를 선언하고 12월 12일 예비후보로 등록해 본격 선거 준비에 돌입했다.
조 예비후보는 민주당이라는 열차의 핵심부품이 고장났으며 남양주 병 지역 국회의원인 소위 개딸 대장 김용민 민주당의원과 여의도의 불순물을 걸러내겠다고 의지를 다졌다. 이재명 민주당대표를 심판하고 국민이 뽑은 대통령이 일할 수 있도록 으랏차차하고 힘을 보태고 지지자들의 성원에도 보답할 것을 다짐하며 행사를 마무리했다.
조 예비후보는 1990년 정치에 입문해 민주당 선전국장을 지냈으며 김대중대통령 비서실 행정관, 노무현대통령 비서실 홍보기획비서관 등을 지냈고 지난 12월 5일 국민의힘 싱크탱크인 여의도원구원 부원장으로 임명됐다.
하인규 기자 popupnews24@naver.com
아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 전문이다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.Below is the full text of the above article translated into English by Google Translate. ‘Google Translate’ is working to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Preliminary candidate Jo Gwang-han, eulachacha, supporters are also eulachacha. Jo Kwang-han, a Namyangju city soldier, holds a successful publication ceremony for the People Power Party's preliminary candidate.
-Reporter Ha In-gyu (Namyangju = Break News Northeastern Gyeonggi) = Former Namyangju Mayor Jo Gwang-han, who registered as a preliminary candidate for the People Power Party in the Namyangju disease area in the general election of the National Assembly to be held on April 10, will be held indoors at the Namyangju Sports and Culture Center on January 5. The publication ceremony and book concert of the book ‘Eulachacha’ were successfully held at the gymnasium.
The publication ceremony began at 12:30 p.m., and the main event, the book concert, began at 2:00 p.m., and about 2,000 supporters came to cheer on Candidate Cho. The event was conducted in a friendly manner, with prospective candidates each signing autographs and taking commemorative photos together, and when supporters gathered in large numbers, long lines formed outside the gym.
‘Eulatchacha’ is prospective candidate Cho’s fourth book, following ‘The Three Strengths of Jo Gwang-han’, ‘Election Failure and National Failure’, and ‘A Moving Nation and a Standing Nation’. Regarding the unique title of the book, prospective candidate Cho explained that it had two major meanings during the book concert.
The first is that he expressed his will to dedicate his entire political career to making Namyangju the best city in Korea by maximizing his three strengths of insight, friendliness, and driving force.
When preliminary candidate Cho was serving as the mayor of Namyangju, he recognized the development potential of Namyangju, which was a bed town in Seoul, and set the goal of becoming a hub city in the northeastern part of the metropolitan area. He confirmed the attraction of Wangsuk New Town, the attraction of the GTX-B line, and the extension of subway lines 9 and 8. and achieved transportation innovation. In addition, through spatial innovation to provide citizens with more things to enjoy close to home, the Jeong Yak-yong Library, Cheonghak Valley Resort, Lee Seok-young Library, Lee Seok-young Square and Remember 1910 Memorial Hall, Lee Seok-young Shinheung Store, and four other fun grounds for youth were created. Although we have achieved such transportation and space innovations, it is still not enough. If I become a member of the National Assembly, I will directly connect the Gyeongchun Line and the Bundang Line so that I can get to Gangnam in 30 minutes without transferring, and I will also attract GTX-D, E, and F routes to make Namyangju a top city in Korea. He emphasized that he would make a leap forward.
Second, when preliminary candidate Cho was unjustly arrested, letters from supporters who conveyed the scent of humanity in the solitude of disconnection, that is, letters from prison, were included in the book to convey a great and deep sense of gratitude to those who gave me a lot of help and strength. It means that it is contained.
On February 15, 2022, preliminary candidate Cho was arrested in court as an ‘incumbent’ mayor, citing concerns about the destruction of evidence on charges that a supporter was indirectly involved, not directly, in recruiting 379 party members. He spent 57 days in prison until he was released on bail on April 12. He was found not guilty under the Public Official Election Act on June 1, 2023, and guilty under the Local Public Officials Act, but was pardoned and reinstated on August 15, 2023.
The letters I received from many people during my life in prison, which was never pleasant, were a source of great comfort and reassurance, saying that the intersection of all kinds of emotions - the countless wounds and pain, anger and frustration, courage and hope - that I had to go through during that process could not be expressed in any way. He revealed that he had provided some of them and included some of them in the book. He bowed his head, saying that he would keep his gratitude in his heart until the day he died, a feeling of gratitude that must never be forgotten.
Among those who sent letters, Pastor Jang Chang-man of Rokwon Church in Byeolnae-dong, Namyangju-si, delivered the sad news that he passed away on March 7, 2023 due to cancer, which left the venue solemn.
According to prospective candidate Cho, his unfair arrest began with differences of opinion between Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myeong when he was serving as governor of Gyeonggi Province. In 2019, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myeong ordered disaster relief funds due to the coronavirus to be paid in local currency, his own brand, but Candidate Cho decided that cash was more important for those in need and paid it in cash.
Then, Gyeonggi Province's retaliatory and retaliatory audits continued 11 times. Gyeonggi Province reported to the prosecution that there was corruption in the hiring of the head of the audit office at Namyangju Urban Corporation, and was searched and searched several times and indicted, but was ultimately found not guilty. In the process, preliminary candidate Cho, who was a member of the Democratic Party, was suspended from his party duties simply because he was indicted.
In a retaliatory audit, an employee of the secretary's office was severely punished for fraudulent use of 10 coffee gift certificates totaling 250,000 won that were distributed to employees suffering from COVID-19, but was later found not guilty in an invalidation lawsuit. In addition, the auditor repeatedly made threats violating human rights by asking other employees who had posted defamatory comments against Governor Lee Jae-myeong on social media, asking who gave the order, asking if they wanted to be fired, and telling their superiors to do so. At the time, Mayor Cho staged a one-man protest holding a picket to reject the audit. did it
In April 2022, he left the Democratic Party, which he had served for over 30 years, and joined the People Power Party on September 20 as the first person to recruit talent. ‘Jo Gwang-han did it. He declared his candidacy for the general election on December 7 with the catchphrase “I will do it, Jo Kwang-han.” He registered as a preliminary candidate on December 12 and began preparations for the election in earnest.
Preliminary candidate Cho said that a key part of the train called the Democratic Party was broken, and he pledged to filter out impurities from Yeouido and the so-called leader of the Democratic Party, Kim Yong-min, a member of the National Assembly from the Namyangju region. The event ended with a pledge to judge Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party, to do his best to help the president elected by the people do his job, and to repay the support of his supporters.
Prospective candidate Cho entered politics in 1990 and served as director of the Democratic Party's propaganda department, administrator in President Kim Dae-jung's secretariat, and publicity planning secretary in President Roh Moo-hyun's secretariat. On December 5, he was appointed vice president of the People Power Party's think tank, Yeouido One Salvation Center. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 경기동북부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>