서영교 중랑구갑 의원, 61.92% 압도적 당선!- 중랑의 딸 서영교, “경제무능 윤 정권 심판하는 선봉에 서고, 명품 중랑 만들어 나갈 것!”
![]() ▲ 서영교 의원 4.10 총선 당선증 받고 기념촬영 모습(사진제공=서영교사무실) ©브레이크뉴스 하인규 기자 |
(중랑=브레이크뉴스 경기동북부)하인규 기자=제22대 국회의원 총선 결과,서울 중랑구(갑)지역 더불어민주당 서영교 후보가 압도적 표차로 승리했다.
서영교 당선인은 중랑구(갑)모든 동에서1위를 차지하며 총60,881표를 획득해, 37,429표를 가져간 2위와 23,452표(23.85%)의 격차로4선에 성공했다.
서영교 당선인은“‘중랑은 역시!서영교다.’라며 중랑구 발전을 위해 열심히 일한 저를 믿고 선택해 주신 것에 대해 진심으로 감사하다.힘 있는4선 국회의원으로서 중랑구 주요 역점 사업을 성공적으로 이끌어‘명품도시 중랑’을 만들겠다”라고 강조했고,
“더불어민주당 최고위원으로서 윤석열 정권의 무능을 견제하고,국민을 대변하는 대변자로 일 해왔다.경제 파탄,민생 파탄 윤석열 정권의 무능과 오만을 선봉에서 심판하는‘핵사이다’로,약자를 위한 법안을 만드는‘입법천사’로,주민의 가장 가까이에서 교감하는‘서민의 영원한 다리’로,국민 여러분과 중랑구민과 언제나 함께 할 것”이라고 밝혔다.
서영교 당선인은 중랑에서 초·중·고를 다녔고,이화여대 총학생회장으로 민주화운동을 이끌었으며,졸업 후에는 면목동에서‘푸른소나무무료도서대여실’대표와‘주부대학’교사로 활동하는 등 지역 운동을 해왔다.중랑에서54년 산 당선인은‘중랑사람’으로 중랑구에 대한 애정이 매우 크다.남편인 장유식 변호사(민변 사법센터 소장)도 유세 때‘중랑구로 장가와서30년 넘게 살았다.’라고 말해 큰 호응을 얻었고,강남에 살던 시댁까지 중랑구로 이사온 것은 유명한 일화이기도 하다.
서영교 당선인은‘4선 여성 지역구 국회의원’이라는 타이틀로 더불어민주당 원내대표,국회 부의장직을 도전할 수 있는 더불어민주당 대표 여성 정치인으로 우뚝 서게 됐다.
서영교 당선인은21대 국회 법안 통과 건수1등(93건),공약이행 서울지역1등(법률소비자연맹발표)국회의원으로 선정된 바 있다.
한편 더불어민주당은 목표했던 수치151석을 뛰어넘는159석을 확보하여 윤석열 정권의 단독 입법과 예산안 처리 폭주 등에 제동을 걸 수 있게 되었다.서영교 당선인은 더불어민주당 최고위원으로서 선거 기간 동안 동작을,송파갑,송파을,강남을 격전지 지원 유세와 용산에서 열린 출정식과 마지막 총력 유세에 모두 참석하는 등 당의 승리를 견인하기 위해 혼신을 다했다.
하인규 기자 popupnews24@naver.com
아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 전문이다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.Below is the full text of the above article translated into English by Google Translate. ‘Google Translate’ is working to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Rep. Seo Young-kyo, Jungnang-gu Gap, overwhelmingly elected by 61.92%!
- Seo Young-kyo, Jungnang’s daughter, “I will stand at the forefront of judging the economically incompetent Yoon administration and create a luxury Jungnang!”
- Succeeded in 4th term with a gap of about 25%, standing tall as the representative female politician of the Democratic Party
-Reporter Ha In-gyu
(Jungnang = Break News Northeastern Gyeonggi) As a result of the 22nd National Assembly general election, Democratic Party candidate Seo Young-kyo from Jungnang-gu (Gap), Seoul won by an overwhelming margin.
President-elect Seo Young-kyo took first place in all dongs of Jungnang-gu (A), garnering a total of 60,881 votes, and succeeded in his fourth term with a gap of 23,452 votes (23.85%) from second place, who took 37,429 votes.
President-elect Seo Young-kyo said, “Jungnang is, of course, Seo Young-gyo. I am truly grateful that they believed in and chose me for working hard for the development of Jungnang-gu. As a powerful 4-term member of the National Assembly, I successfully led major projects in Jungnang-gu, making Jungnang a premium city.” He emphasized, “I will create a
“As a supreme member of the Democratic Party of Korea, I have worked as a spokesperson for the people, keeping in check the incompetence of the Yoon Seok-yeol administration. As a ‘nuclear cider’ that is at the forefront of judging the incompetence and arrogance of the Yoon Seok-yeol administration, which has devastated the economy and ruined people’s livelihoods, I am enacting legislation for the weak. “As a ‘legislative angel’ who creates and an ‘eternal bridge for the common people’ that communicates with the residents closest, we will always be with the people and the residents of Jungnang-gu,” he said.
President-elect Seo Young-kyo attended elementary, middle, and high school in Jungnang, and led the democratization movement as the student council president of Ewha Womans University. After graduation, she participated in local movements, including working as a representative of the 'Blue Pine Free Book Rental Room' and a teacher at 'Jubu University' in Myeonmok-dong. The elected candidate, who has lived in Jungnang for 54 years, is a 'Jungnang person' and has great affection for Jungnang-gu. Her husband, lawyer Jang Yoo-sik (director of Minbyun Judicial Center), also said during the campaign, 'I married and lived in Jungnang-gu for over 30 years,' and received great response. It is also a famous anecdote that the in-laws who lived in Gangnam moved to Jungnang-gu.
With the title of ‘4-term female constituency member of the National Assembly,’ Seo Young-kyo stands tall as a representative female politician of the Democratic Party who can challenge for the position of floor leader of the Democratic Party and vice-chairman of the National Assembly.
She, Seo Young-kyo, was selected as a member of the National Assembly, first in the number of bills passed in the 21st National Assembly (93) and first in the Seoul region in fulfilling pledges (announced by the Legal Consumer Federation).
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party of Korea secured 159 seats, exceeding the target figure of 151 seats, and was able to put a brake on the Yoon Seok-yeol administration's unilateral legislation and excessive processing of budget bills. President-elect Seo Young-kyo, as the highest member of the Democratic Party of Korea, was active during the election period. He did his best to lead the party to victory, including attending support campaigns in fierce battlegrounds such as Songpa-eul and Gangnam, the launch ceremony held in Yongsan, and the final all-out campaign.
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