
주광덕 남양주시장, 천마중 교육 가족과의 정담회 가져

하인규 기자 | 기사입력 2024/07/15 [14:42]

주광덕 남양주시장, 천마중 교육 가족과의 정담회 가져

하인규 기자 | 입력 : 2024/07/15 [14:42]

▲ 주광덕 남양주시장 천마중 교육 가족과 간담회 모습(사진제공=남양주시청)  ©브레이크뉴스 하인규 기자

▲ 주광덕 남양주시장 천마중 교육 가족과 정담회 모습(사진제공=남양주시청)  ©브레이크뉴스  하인규 기자

(남양주=브레이크뉴스 경기동북부)하인규 기자=주광덕 남양주시장은 지난 12일 화도읍 천마중학교를 방문해 교직원, 운영위원 및 학부모들과 정담회를 가지며 학교 발전을 위한 다양한 의견을 경청했다.


민선 8기 출범 이후 33번째 진행된 ‘교육 가족과의 정담회’는 학교 현장에 대한 관계자의 건의 사항 등 의견을 시장이 직접 듣고 필요한 지원방안을 민·관·학이 함께 모색하기 위한 사업이다.


이날 정담회는 시의 지원 사업인 ‘교육환경 조성 사업’으로 개선된 실습실에서 진행됐으며, 학교 측은 △학교 앞 보행자도로 개선 및 신호등 설치 △친환경 인조 잔디 운동장 조성 △21세기 최첨단 교육환경 조성 등 학교 안팎의 환경 개선을 요청했다.


학교 관계자는 “그간 많은 지원을 해주시고 관심을 기울여 주신 남양주시에 감사드린다. 오늘 정담회를 계기로 앞으로도 학교와 지역 현안에 대해 실효성 있는 논의를 하는 자리를 꾸준히 가졌으면 한다”라고 말했다.


주 시장은 “청소년기는 다시 오지 않는 소중한 시기이다. 남양주시는 청소년들이 좋은 여건에서 교육받고, 밝은 미래를 꿈꿀 수 있는 환경을 만들기 위해 최선을 다할 것”이라며 “천마산의 좋은 기운을 받은 천마중학교가 훌륭한 미래의 인재 성장의 요람이 되길 바란다.”라며 화답했다.


시는 교육청 협력 사업인 대응 투자 사업에 40억 원을, 학교 교육 여건 개선을 위한 교육환경 조성 사업에 12억 원을 투자하는 등 학습환경을 개선하는 데 주력하고 있다.

하인규 기자 popupnews24@naver.com


아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 전문이다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.Below is the full text of the above article translated into English by Google Translate. ‘Google Translate’ is working to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


Namyangju Mayor Joo Gwang-deok holds a meeting with Cheonma Middle School education families


-Reporter Ha In-gyu

(Namyangju = Break News Northeast Gyeonggi) Namyangju Mayor Joo Gwang-deok visited Cheonma Middle School in Hwado-eup on the 12th and held a meeting with faculty, staff, and parents to listen to various opinions for the development of the school.


The ‘Meeting with Education Families’, held for the 33rd time since the launch of the 8th popular election, is a project for the mayor to directly listen to opinions, including suggestions from officials on school sites, and to explore necessary support measures between the public, government, and academia.


The meeting on this day was held in an improved practice room as part of the 'Educational Environment Creation Project', a support project from the city, and the school took measures inside and outside the school, including △ improving the pedestrian road in front of the school and installing traffic lights △ creating an eco-friendly artificial turf playground △ creating a 21st century cutting-edge educational environment. requested environmental improvement.


A school official said, “We would like to thank Namyangju City for its great support and interest. “I hope that through today’s meeting, we will continue to have opportunities to have effective discussions on school and regional issues in the future,” he said.


Mayor Joo said, “Adolescence is a precious time that will never come back. Namyangju City will do its best to create an environment where young people can receive education in good conditions and dream of a bright future,” he said, adding, “I hope that Cheonma Middle School, which has received the good energy of Cheonmasan Mountain, will become a cradle for the growth of great future talents.” did.


The city is focusing on improving the learning environment by investing 4 billion won in the response investment project, a cooperation project with the Office of Education, and 1.2 billion won in the educational environment creation project to improve school education conditions.

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