
남양주시, 취약계층 위한 폭염대비 특별 보호대책 수립

하인규 기자 | 기사입력 2024/08/09 [12:28]

남양주시, 취약계층 위한 폭염대비 특별 보호대책 수립

하인규 기자 | 입력 : 2024/08/09 [12:28]

▲ 사진제공=남양주시청  ©브레이크뉴스  하인규 기자

▲ 사진제공=남양주시청  ©브레이크뉴스 하인규 기자

(남양주=브레이크뉴스 경기동북부)하인규 기자=남양주시(시장 주광덕)는 무더위 속 주거·취약계층의 건강하고 안전한 여름나기를 위해 폭염대비 특별 보호대책을 세워 예방활동에 총력을 기울이고 있다.


시는 폭염 취약계층을 비정형주택 거주자·독거노인·중증장애인 등 중점관리군(42,940여 명)과 경증장애인·결식아동·기초생활수급자 등 일반관리군(53,260여 명)으로 구분해 맞춤형 지원대책을 세우고 지원하고 있다.


특히 중점관리군 중 돌봄서비스 대상자 5,540여 명을 대상으로 노인맞춤형 돌봄, 독거노인응급안전안심서비스, 활동지원서비스, 읍면동 인적안전망 등을 통한 1일 안부확인 서비스를 제공해 폭염사고 사전 예방활동을 강화했다.


또한 지난 7일 폭염 경보가 심각 단계로 격상됨에 따라, 최재웅 남양주시 복지국장 및 류건민 대한노인회 남양주시지회 수석부회장은 관내 무더위 쉼터로 지정된 568개 경로당과 비정형주택가구 중 일부를 방문해 △에어컨, 선풍기 등 냉방 설비 점검 △폭염 행동요령 안내 △지역 주민 의견 청취 등을 진행했다.


최재웅 복지국장은 “어르신들이 무더위를 피해 경로당에 모여 즐겁게 지내시는 모습을 보니 안심이 되고, 안전하고 편안한 경로당이 될 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠다”며 “온열질환 예방 수칙을 준수하고 폭염으로 인한 건강관리를 최우선적으로 유의하여 주시기를 당부드린다”고 전했다.


한편 시는 지난 6~7월 노인, 장애인분야 돌봄종사자와 서비스대상자에게 폭염으로 인한 응급상황 발생시 행동요령 교육을 실시했으며, 집수리 지원(93가구), 냉방용품 지원(450가구), 건강관리 식품지원(650가구) 등 다양한 지원을 통해 취약계층의 폭염 피해를 최소화하고자 노력하고 있다.

하인규 기자 popupnews24@naver.com


아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 전문이다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.Below is the full English translation of the above text by Google Translate. 'Google Translate' is working to improve comprehension. Please note that there may be errors in the English translation.


Namyangju City establishes special protection measures for vulnerable groups to prepare for heat waves


- Reporter Ha In-gyu


(Namyangju=Break News Gyeonggi Northeast) Namyangju City (Mayor Joo Kwang-deok) is making all-out efforts to prevent heat waves by establishing special protection measures to prepare for heat waves to ensure a healthy and safe summer for the residential and vulnerable groups in the hot weather.


The city is dividing the heat wave vulnerable groups into a priority management group (approximately 42,940 people) such as residents of irregular housing, elderly people living alone, and the severely disabled, and a general management group (approximately 53,260 people) such as the mildly disabled, children who skip meals, and basic livelihood recipients, and is establishing and supporting customized support measures.


In particular, we strengthened our heat wave accident prevention activities by providing customized care for the elderly, emergency safety and security services for the elderly living alone, activity support services, and one-day safety check services through town/village/dong human safety nets for approximately 5,540 care service recipients among the priority management group.


In addition, as the heat wave warning was raised to the serious level on the 7th, Choi Jae-woong, Director of the Welfare Bureau of Namyangju City, and Ryu Geon-min, Senior Vice President of the Namyangju City Branch of the Korean Senior Citizens' Association, visited some of the 568 senior centers and irregular housing households designated as heat wave shelters in the city, and conducted inspections of cooling equipment such as air conditioners and fans, guidance on heat wave behavior guidelines, and listening to the opinions of local residents.


Director of Welfare Choi Jae-woong said, “It is reassuring to see seniors gathering at senior centers to escape the heat and having fun, and we will do our best to make senior centers safe and comfortable,” and added, “Please follow the heat-related illness prevention guidelines and pay top priority to health management due to the heat wave.” Meanwhile, the city provided education on emergency response measures in the event of a heat wave to caregivers and service recipients in the elderly and disabled sectors from June to July, and is working to minimize heat wave damage to vulnerable groups through various support measures such as home repair support (93 households), air conditioning support (450 households), and health management food support (650 households).

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