양평군민대상은 양평군에 뿌리를 내리고 근면·성실한 자세로 군 발전을 위해 헌신·봉사한 유공자를 찾아 시상함으로써 군민의 긍지를 높이고 화합을 이끌어 군에 대한 애향심을 함양하는데 이바지하고 있다. 교육·문화·예술·체육 부문과 효행·선행·청렴봉사 및 지역사회발전 부문 등 2개 부문에서 현재까지 35회에 걸쳐 57명의 수상자가 선정됐다.
먼저, 교육·문화·예술·체육 부문에 선정된 김수한 민주평화통일자문회의 양평군협의회장은 그간 양평군의 주요 사회단체장을 역임해 오면서 관내 다문화 가족 자녀를 대상으로 하는 캠프 개최, 여주검찰청 범죄예방위원회 장학재단 이사장으로 보호관찰 대상 청소년 선도 및 후원, 드림장학회 이사로 활동해왔다. 특히 그는 꾸준한 장학 지원, 한국전쟁 참전 용사로 구성된 한미 사랑의 재단 장학금 기탁, 어린이를 위한 뮤지컬 무료관람 지원, 양평군 청소년 예술제 지원 등 양평군의 교육·문화·예술 분야 발전에 앞장서 왔다.
효행·선행·청렴봉사 및 지역사회발전 부문에 선정된 장호균 전 (사)양평환경농업-21 이사장은 과거 양평군 산업과장으로 재직하는 동안 양평군 농업정책의 방향을 ‘친환경농업’으로 제시한 것으로 알려져 있다. 퇴임 후 그는 (사)양평환경농업-21 추진위원회 이사장직을 수행하면서 양평군의 정책방향에 발맞춰 친환경농업 육성 5개년 계획, 친환경 인증농가 육성, BM활성수 제조시설 운영 등 다양한 농업활동 지원을 해왔으며 친환경농업특구 지정에 적극 기여한 양평군 친환경농업의 선구자로 이름나 있다.
전진선 군수는 “양평군민대상은 양평군에서 최고 권위 있는 상으로, 군민대상 수상자는 곧 양평군의 얼굴이자 명예의 상징”이라며 “새로운 매력양평 시대로 나아가기 위한 초석을 마련해준 두 분이 군민대상 수상자로 선정되어 기쁘다”고 전했다.
한편, 2024년 양평군민대상은 오는 9월 12일 개최되는 제51회 양평군민의 날 기념식에서 수여된다.
아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 전문이다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.Below is the full English translation of the above text by Google Translate. 'Google Translate' is working to improve comprehension. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Yangpyeong-gun selects Kim Su-han and Jang Ho-gyun for the 2024 Citizens' Award
- Reporter Ha In-gyu
(Yangpyeong=Break News Gyeonggi Northeast) Yangpyeong-gun (Governor Jeon Jin-seon) held the 2024 Yangpyeong-gun Citizens' Award Review Committee on the 23rd and announced that Kim Su-han, Chairman of the Yangpyeong-gun Council of the Democratic Peace Unification Advisory Council, was selected as the winner in the education, culture, arts, and sports sectors, and Jang Ho-gyun, former Chairman of the Yangpyeong Environmental Agriculture-21 (Non-profit organization) was selected as the winner in the filial piety, good deeds, clean service, and community development sectors.
The Yangpyeong Citizens’ Award seeks to find and award those who have taken root in Yangpyeong-gun and have devoted themselves and served for the development of the county with diligence and sincerity, thereby contributing to fostering pride in the county residents and fostering unity and patriotism. A total of 57 recipients have been selected in 35 categories to date, including the education, culture, arts, and sports category and the filial piety, good deeds, honest service, and community development category.
First, Kim Su-han, the chairman of the Yangpyeong-gun Council of the Democratic Peace and Unification Advisory Council, who was selected in the education, culture, arts, and sports category, has served as the head of major social organizations in Yangpyeong-gun, hosting camps for children of multicultural families in the county, guiding and supporting youth under probation as the chairman of the scholarship foundation of the Yeoju Prosecutor’s Office Crime Prevention Committee, and serving as a director of the Dream Scholarship Association. In particular, he has been at the forefront of the development of education, culture, and arts in Yangpyeong-gun, including steady scholarship support, donation of scholarships to the Korea-America Love Foundation comprised of Korean War veterans, support for free musical admissions for children, and support for the Yangpyeong-gun Youth Arts Festival.
Former Chairman Jang Ho-gyun of Yangpyeong Environmental Agriculture-21, who was selected for the filial piety, good deeds, integrity, and community development sectors, is known to have suggested the direction of Yangpyeong-gun’s agricultural policy as ‘eco-friendly agriculture’ while serving as the head of the Yangpyeong-gun Industry Division. After retirement, he served as the Chairman of the Yangpyeong Environmental Agriculture-21 Promotion Committee, and has supported various agricultural activities in line with Yangpyeong-gun’s policy direction, such as the 5-year plan to foster eco-friendly agriculture, fostering eco-friendly certified farms, and operating BM activated water manufacturing facilities. He is also known as a pioneer of eco-friendly agriculture in Yangpyeong-gun, who actively contributed to the designation of an eco-friendly agricultural special zone.
Jeon Jin-seon, the county governor, said, “The Yangpyeong County Citizens’ Award is the most prestigious award in Yangpyeong County, and the recipients of the Citizens’ Award are the face of Yangpyeong County and a symbol of honor,” and added, “I am delighted that the two people who laid the foundation for moving forward into a new era of attractive Yangpyeong have been selected as the recipients of the Citizens’ Award.” Meanwhile, the 2024 Yangpyeong County Citizens’ Award will be awarded at the 51st Yangpyeong County Citizens’ Day ceremony to be held on September 12. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 경기동북부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>